Providing Your Teeth Fillings in Lakewood, CO
For years, Green Mountain Dental Group has provided our local community with dental services, including fillings in Lakewood, CO. Patients trust us the most for their dental needs because of our ability to offer the best services in the area. We’ll attend to all your dental needs through a seamless, streamlined process and make it easy for you. We’re sensitive to the needs of our patients, and we ensure their treatments and procedures go as smoothly as possible. You’ll feel comfortable and confident knowing that our team of top-tier professionals is taking care of you.

Why Your Teeth Might Need Fillings
Some signs that you need fillings may be obvious, while others might be harder to determine. If you’re experiencing pain in your teeth, that’s usually a clear indicator you should go in for a check-up. However, some signs, such as damage to the tooth structure, may be harder to locate, which means you should have a professional check you out. Fillings can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
- Filling Up Your Cavities: This is the most common reason patients receive fillings. If a cavity is causing you pain, sensitivity, and irritation, then fillings can take care of you.
- Repairing Fractured Teeth: When your teeth get broken or cracked, fillings can help heal the damage.
- Enhancing Tooth Structure: When teeth break, their structure begins to deteriorate. Fillings can help with building your structure back up.
- Covering Up Discoloration: Do you notice toothpaste-proof stains on your teeth that refuse to go away? If so, fillings will hide them.
- Replacing Your Past Fillings: Sometimes, your current fillings need to be replaced due to age and weakened quality. We’ll put new fillings in for you.
We Guarantee an Easy Dental Process
We get it. Going to the dentist’s office is an often uncomfortable experience for patients. That’s why our patients’ peace of mind is one of our top priorities. We know how to communicate with our patients on professional and personal levels. We’ll explain the ins and outs of your dental health in ways you can understand. Our team strives to make your treatments and procedures as quick and convenient as possible so that you can move forward with your regular life. We’re here to take the worry and pain out of your visits, allowing you to experience excellent services and an even better smile.